Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: 2022 AAS Winners
Audio PlayerThe 2022 AAS plant winners have been selected! The first I’ll talk about is a new eggplant. Don’t roll your eyes yet (that’s what I did). ‘Icicle’ is a white oblong cultivar.

The large, durable, and vigorous plants hold up to insect damage and the environment. The pure white skin doesn’t yellow and kids even liked it! The plant grows to 4 ft. It’s best growing on a trellis.
This next plant I had to share because it reminds me of my friend Lisa who loves dragonflies! It’s a gorgeous purple pepper named ‘Dragonfly’. It also carries the F1 designation which means it is disease resistant.

Dragonfly pepper plants produce beautiful purple peppers that have thick, sweet walls. This pepper transforms itself from a green pepper into a purple fruit that is as delicious at the green stage as it is when fully purple and mature. The judges said it has above average, robust pepper flavor. The fruits are held high on the plant, keeping them from the soil. If left on the vine, they will eventually turn a beautiful, bright red. This pepper can be grown in a container.

Let’s wrap today’s Garden bite with in an annual that really delivers from summer to frost. Torenia ‘Vertigo Deep Blue’ is so pretty! Ideal for both containers and in the landscape, AAS Judges were impressed with the number of flowers on each plant and the vibrant non-fading blue petals that contrast beautifully with the sky blue and yellow centers.

It’s a mounded 12 inch plant that would also look wonderful in hanging baskets. Torenia prefers full sun, ‘Vertigo Deep Blue’ also held up well in extreme heat without the flowers fading.