A bright spot with 2020 AAS winners

Thu. Sep. 19, 2019

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With that w-word coming out of my mouth yesterday, winter… I thought I’d bring you something to look forward to in 2020!

As I’ve talked about renovating my gardens, I mentioned my Blackeyed Susans, which are currently monsters! Gorgeous, but large and in charge.

Next Spring I will divide the blackeyed susans

Coming in 2020 is a new Rudbeckia, the latin name for blackeyed susans. It’s called ‘American Gold Rush’. Growing to just 2 ft tall, it’s narrow 2-inch wide hairy foliage was bred for its resistance to Septoria leaf spot.

Rudbeckia ‘American Gold Rush’

This hybrid shows no signs of the fungus even in wet, humid conditions. Blooming from July to September, with some color up until frost, this little darling is also incredibly easy to grow and pollinators love it. So did the judges, calling it one of the very best perennials they’ve seen. 

Just darling interplanted with these ornamental grasses

Another full sun perennial winner is an echinacea that’s resistant to deer and stunning looking. Sombrero ‘Baja Burgundy’ has vibrant, deep violet-red blossoms. The beautiful flower color is perfect for cut flowers.

Sombrero ‘Baja Burgundy’

After being trialed over three tough winters, the AAS Judges noted this standout’s hardiness, sturdy branching, and floriferous blooming habit. Birds and pollinators flocked to it. It’s prolific blooms continue from mid-summer until the first frost.

Both of these perennials need full sun and are hardy to zone 4. As you ponder your gardens for next year, take a look at these All America Selection winners! They will be arriving in nurseries next season. You can also order them online.