Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Celebrating calibrachoa
Audio PlayerToday we’re celebrating one of the most popular annuals for containers and hanging baskets. Calibrachoa is closely related to petunias, as noted in their flowers! In an article in Northern Gardener magazine, they note that calibrachoa was only introduced in the early 90’s, making it just 30 years old. In the grand scheme of things, that’s really new!

These stunning plants grow to maybe 9 inches but trail up to 24 inches and the colors, oh my, so many variations. Their full foliage and non-stop flowering makes them irresistible.

These plants are also easy to grow while delivering from spring through summer in 6 to 8 hours of sunlight. Calibrachoa are also called ‘Million bells’, which is trademarked by a plant introduction company.

Proven Winners, a plant breeding company has trademarked ‘Superbells’. One of their introductions for 2021 is called ‘Coral Sun’. This one’s a beaut!

The flowers are coral edged with a yellow center. And, they say, it trails up to 30 inches! No deadheading necessary and lasting into Fall. It’s bright and bodacious. More calibrachoa from Proven Winners, take a peek!

When planting, they suggest giving the plants a slight trim, using a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears. While not necessary, it will increase branching and may help your plants look even fuller.
These plants CAN be planted in raised beds as they must have good drainage, that’s why containers are perfect for them. The article also mentions double flowered calibrachoa. In particular, MiniFamous Neo Double Purple. Ballseed has a large number of calibrachoa, take a peek! It features double and single blooms on the same plant.