Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Celestial gardening
Audio PlayerCelestial gardening sounds a bit mystical. It is. It’s also working, according to some experts. Biodynamics, it’s more scientific name, uses the movements of the moon and stars to guide planting and cultivation.
Think that’s a stretch? Consider how the moon creates ocean tides. Suddenly it’s not so “out there”. Well, celestially speaking it is!
Biodynamic gardeners plant by the lunar calendar, they also use raised beds believing that this enlivens the soil. Herbs such as chamomile, yarrow and valerian, are added in small quantities at specific places in a compost pile to improve the conversion of garden and kitchen scraps into rich, moist humus. Here’s another link to more information from a blogger who lives it! Biodynamics
Stella Natura produces a planting calendar each year as a guideline. It is not in their philosophy to call these rules! Stella Natura – sells a calendar that tracks the passage of the moon through the 12 constellations of the zodiac, indicating optimal times to work with a plant’s roots, leaves, flowers, or fruit (a category that includes many vegetables, nuts, and seeds). A “root day” in spring, for example, is the perfect time to plant carrots or beets. But it’s not a rigid system—if rain or a busy schedule get in the way, they say just do the best you can.
The Farmer’s Almanac has been gardening by the calendar for …. ever! As for forecasting… well, we’ll see.
Threefold Farm in upstate New York was the first biodynamic garden in the U.S. The Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association has a lot more information on how to restore the health of our soil and the vitality of the food we grow.
Mother Earth News also has an in-depth article on biodynamic gardening.