Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Early Spring lawn chores
Audio PlayerIt will warm up, it will warm up, it will warm up! I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, only I have on GREEN shoes to click! You checked your frost depths yesterday, right?
Today, let’s talk about what we WILL see if we have dogs. Urine and your lawn don’t get along.

You can buy a lawn repair kit at most garden centers or you can mix your own. After the soil has warmed up and isn’t wet, you can lift out the dead grass, loosen the soil and mix a handful of seed with a bucket of Creekside Supreme Gardener’s Mix and spread it out over fido or fifi’s spots.

The best grass seed is a mix of Kentucky blue grass with fine fescues and perennial ryegrass. Be sure to read the label for sun or shade areas. Water and mulch it to keep it moist and keep the seeds in place. Spring is the second best time to plant grass seed. Mid-August to mid-September is the best time. However, with ugly dead spots, we want to get a start as soon as possible, once you get some grass started, it will help keep weeds at bay.
With snow melt, you may discover snow mold in your lawn. Pink or Grey snow mold starts in the winter with infected plant debris that’s been left on the lawn. This fungus will continue to grow if the area remains wet and cold. Rake out any snow drifts you may have . This will help the area dry out faster, fungi don’t like it dry! Fungicides are rarely recommended as snow molds don’t generally kill a lawn.