Easy care perennials (mostly easy)

Wed. Apr. 18, 2018

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Easy care perennials, ya sure you betcha!  Actually there are plenty of perennials more amiable than others.  Sedum aka Stonecrop, is at the top of the list of forgiving plants.

a couple of sedum varieties and creeping jenny

And there are a lot of different varieties, nearly 500!  I have several myself, they’re great for groundcovers all the way to the large ‘Autumn Joy’, which you, pretty much, can’t kill, you can sure give a lot away though!  Mine were loaded with Painted Lady butterflies last year.  They’re all succulents varying  from annual and creeping herbs to shrubs.  Did I mention they handle some shade too?!

Autumn Joy – summer 2017
Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ 4-15-18

Coreopsis just doesn’t stop!   In the language of flowers, Coreopsis means “always cheerful,” and these delightful natives live up to this designation. Coreopsis provide a lovely sunny presence from manicured landscapes to wild prairies.  And 2018 just happens to be the YEAR of the coreopsis!  There are as many as 80 naturalized coreopsis.

Hostas are a must for shade.  There are so many varieties and more keep coming, that I don’t think an accurate count is possible!  Two issues with this plant, slugs and deer and both can be dealt with.  Check my website for the newest offerings, including ‘One Last Dance’.  Which seems like our Winter wants… just one more dance!!

‘One Last Dance’

Heucheras are another perennial that goes from sun to shade easily and offers wide range in color.  Because, it’s a foliage plant, this baby is beautiful from Spring to Fall!  I’m so excited to show you ‘Wild Rose’!  It’s GORGEOUS! More pics on my Garden Bite Facebook page!!!

Heuchera ‘Wild Rose’