Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs
Audio PlayerDespite our current Minnesota drought (as we discussed yesterday)… Fall remains a good time to plant trees and shrubs, the key will be watering.
They love the warm soil and cooler air. They also still have plenty of time to scoot their roots down deep into the soil. For easy growing, Rugosa roses are a good choice.

I have some incredibly easy and beautiful carpet roses that continue to deliver even in this drought.

Especially this year, it’s very important to add a 2 to 3 inch layer of mulch around your plantings to retain water. Remember to place the mulch like a donut not a volcano.

Water new plantings up until the ground freezes. Most nurseries will give you specific directions as these plantings should have more water. If they don’t, ask them!!
When placing your trees/shrubs, be sure to figure their MATURE size when placing them. Dig your hole at least twice as wide but only as deep as they’re in their container.

You can also plant most perennial flowers and ornamental grasses in the Fall. If you buy plants, check their roots. Go ahead and pull them right out of the pot to see what you’re getting. Better safe than sorry. Water your plants well the day before you plant (if you have time), have your other planting hole already dug and incorporate a shovelful of compost.
Divide your daylilies right after their flowers are spent. Cut the foliage back to about 5 inches, using a garden fork to dig up the whole plant will not damage as many roots.
Place the plant in the soil so the crown (the portion where the stem and root meets) is one inch below the ground line. Water thoroughly after planting. Add a 2 inch layer of mulch. After the ground freezes add a couple more to protect from heaving.