Fall vegetable garden

Fri. Aug. 19, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Fall vegetable garden

Planning a Fall vegetable garden. Those vegetables we grew in spring can be repeated and add brussels sprouts and beets too!

I eat salads nearly every day for lunch. Planting lettuce, kale and other “leafies” sounds like a good idea!

yum – mix up those colors and try something different!

There are some pretty cool reasons for planting as our temperatures begin to cool off. 

  • Pests are fewer, those that irritate our plants and those that irritate us. Mosquitoes are first to come to mind.
  • Some crops actually taste better with cooler temperatures too. Arugula is one of them. In the summer heat, arugula can become bitter instead of savory.
  • The National Garden Bureau reports that kale and brussels sprouts taste sweeter with a frosty coating!

Remember to check the growing information to make sure the veggies you plant have time to grow to maturity in our colder climates.

Consider radishes, perhaps a purple cauliflower or burgundy broccoli. Maybe some bush beans too. 

Bush style green beans in container 2021. 

I just talked about how the heat has affected their production. Here’s your chance to go for it again! The University of Minnesota Extension has more excellent information on mid-summer garden planting

As always send me your comments, questions and suggestions for future bites! What do you want to know about? tkgardenbite@gmail.com