Garden trends 2022

Wed. Mar. 2, 2022

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Some trends for the garden in 2022 include Gardening For Climate Change.  If you live in an area prone to wildfires, there are some plants that you really may want to consider. First up are drought tolerant plants, they’re less likely to ignite immediately. Firewise in Minnesota (DNR) has more information that works for any of us.  Click on the 50 things you can do to protect your home. Here’s a short list:

  • Agastache
  • Yarrow
  • Sedum
  • Sea pinks
  • Butterfly weed

Choose shorter plants near your home.

Agastache ‘Blue Fortune’ by Bluestone Perennials

Add stone paths that can act as a firebreak. It doesn’t have to be butt up against your home but the idea is to not give “fuel” to the fire. 

Simply an example!

For areas prone to flooding, consider permeable paths and driveways so water can percolate.

Choose plants for erosion control, especially on hillsides. These plants have roots that run deep and hold topsoil in place. Native grasses are perfect for this purpose. Another short list:

  • Sideoats grama
  • Pennsylvania sedge
  • Little bluestem
  • Prairie dropseed
Pennsylvania sedge from MN Landscape Arb

Gardening for Wildlife includes reducing your lawn and adding more plants for pollinators and birds! Reduce your lawn. Plant clover! Put in water features, plant native species of grasses, perennials, trees and shrubs. 

My clover lawn 2019 photo by Teri Knight

Vegetable gardening continues it’s new reign as the number one garden trend as more families are all getting involved in the process of planting their food! There are so many reasons this is good, including getting the kids involved.

Small space gardening is also trending for 2022. AKA gardening on your balcony. Once again, as we’ve been working from home, those spaces on our balconies have become more like sanctuaries of plant life. Install shelves for smaller plants such as herbs and other annuals.

Granted I have a lot more room, but the porch is filled with container plantings

A few ideas include attaching chicken wire to your railing to grow vines or other climbing plants. Mix ornamentals and edibles in large containers.

If you keep them watered properly this will work but just know that the black is absorbing heat
Peppers on the porch!

This link takes you to the full article on the Top Ten trends for 2022 by Garden Design.