Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Last chance to plant
Audio PlayerAs the summer fades into fall, it’s our last hoorah for planting. You still have time to get trees, shrubs and perennials in the ground, taking advantage of the sales. However, be sure to add in organic matter into your planting hole and water well right up until the ground has frozen. That’s usually in December.
Never plant too deep. Place your plant in it’s new home at the same depth in was in it’s container. You can add a 2 inch layer of mulch, but no more than that for now.
AFTER the ground has frozen you can add more mulch to keep from heaving.
Here are a couple of gorgeous choice plants to consider!
The above is a reblooming iris called Presby’s Crown Jewel! Check out White Flower Farm, for more info.
The above Wisteria is only rated to Zone 5, but the way the seasons are going, I think, with mulch AFTER the ground has frozen, it’s a lot more doable in zone 4 that it used to be. The above photo is from Sooner Plant Farm.
Shredded leaves work well for mulch as does grass clippings, pine needles, wood chips and shredded newspaper. If you have a paper shredder, you can use that as well. Be sure to wet down the shredded paper and put down some heavier material to hold down the paper.
Enjoy every moment you have outside! The warm sun, the crisp night air, the incredible colors of Fall and the sounds of nature!