More 2022 plants

Wed. Jan. 5, 2022

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I’m having fun looking at new plant introductions for the 2022 season! One I came across is called ‘Drumsticks’ in its native Australia, an apt name! I lived in the Northern Territory for a couple of years when I was a kid. Great place, great people!

Wallaby beach a very long time ago! These men worked for my dad. Days off were all about fun!

On to Drumsticks, also known as Craspedia globosa. The cultivar ‘Sun Ball’ is new from Johnny’s Selected Seeds.

Craspedia globosa ‘Sun Ball’

One inch sunny yellow globes sit atop long, stiff stems. The foliage is grass-like and silvery green.  Long vase life as a cut, and retains color as a dried flower. Tolerates heat. The whole plant stands about 24 to 30 inches tall.

aka Drumsticks flowers

Oh I have to tell you about a new Cosmos. It’s called ‘Cupcakes White’. The flowers literally look like fluted cupcake wrappers.

Cosmos ‘Cupcakes White’

The blooms sit atop the foliage and all told grow to over 3 ft. tall. Very delicate looking.

Cosmos ‘Cupcakes White’ Johnny’s Seed

A new zone 5 fountain grass by Proven Winners/Walters Gardens is called ‘Lemon Squeeze’.

Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Lemon Squeeze’ – common name is Fountain grass

It’s golden leaves don’t burn in the sun. It grows to about 3 ½ ft tall with a 4 ft. spread. You could try this in zone 4, in a protected area but it does need full sun for the brightest color. Graceful beauty for sure.

‘Lemon Squeeze’ flowering

Sedum are great plants. This new one is rockin’! ‘Back in Black’ has near black foliage throughout the summer, and when late summer rolls around, flowers with deep garnet red centers and cream petals appear.

Sedum ‘Back in black’

It grows about 2 ft tall with a little more width and is hardy to zone 3.

Sedum ‘Back in black’ flowering