November to-do’s 2022

Tue. Nov. 1, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: November to-do’s 2022

It’s November 1st! Weather at this time of year is a crapshoot. Some days still light jacket worthy (for some) other days get out the parka! I actually rode my motorcycle on October 29th… I didn’t even have to wear chaps!

An important part of the clean-up process is debris removal. I just took my spent annuals to our City waste site along with downed Black walnut branches and my massive sunflower stalks!

The two  … [Continue reading]

Halloween – American style

Mon. Oct. 31, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Halloween – American style

Happy Halloween! Last Friday I shared the traditions of Samhain, today it’s a little more history on how the American tradition of Halloween started and how it’s evolved.

When early settlers arrived on our Eastern Seaboard they brought with them certain traditions. All Hallows Eve was one of them. People originally carved out turnips and placed candles inside to ward off evil spirits, but Americans switched from turnips to pumpkins.

In 1820, Washington  … [Continue reading]

Happy Samhain – it’s Tradition 2022

Fri. Oct. 28, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Happy Samhain – it’s Tradition 2022

 Monday is Halloween or is it Samhain

According to the National Retail Foundation, Americans will spend an estimated $10.6 billion on Halloween festivities. Gen Z is reportedly going to spend the most this year post (sort-of) pandemic. The TOP celebration includes handing out candy!

The origin of the celebration began as a mark of the end of “light” and the beginning of the “dark”. The ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced

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The Poweshiek Skipperling – the Endangered

Thu. Oct. 27, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: The Poweshiek Skipperling – the Endangered

The Star Tribune has been doing a series on endangered native species. I was shocked to read this line from their latest article on the Poweshiek skipperling, “This prairie butterfly suffered one of the most sudden and complete population collapses of any species in North American history”. Let THAT sink in.

According to the U.S. Fish and wildlife service, these small butterflies were once found in native prairie in Manitoba, North

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Lawnmower care 2022

Wed. Oct. 26, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Radio show/podcast: Lawnmower care 2022

My area has had a couple of hard frosts and then 79 degrees… wacky.  This is the time in cold climates to mow for the last time (if needed).

During the growing season your lawn should stay at about 3 inches but this last mow should be shorter, more like 2 to 2.5 inches.

The reason is to help prevent mold over the winter months. You could also start the process of getting your mower ready  … [Continue reading]

Pumpkin seeds and pie for 2022

Tue. Oct. 25, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Pumpkin seeds and pie for 2022

I have always loved pumpkin seeds.

But, “back in the day”, my mom would leave the pumpkin seeds soaking overnight in water so full of salt you’d think it was the Dead Sea.

She’d drain them and roast them for what seemed like hours. My taste is a tad more sophisticated now and I don’t soak them in salt water at all!

The seeds are packed with nutrients and make a great

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Trees for Urban Gardens

Mon. Oct. 24, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Trees for Urban Gardens

While the planting season is pretty much over, you can start dreaming and scheming for next year! Just last week I touched on the importance of trees in our landscape, their value for shade, food and carbon sequestration and keeping them healthy.

This week I bring you trees to place in your urban garden that offer those things as well as ornamental value in your smaller space.

Serviceberry is a small deciduous clumping  … [Continue reading]

Pumpkins and spice and all things lumpy

Fri. Oct. 21, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Pumpkins and spice and all things lumpy

 Love it or hate, it’s pumpkin (ps, pumpkins are squash) spice everything season. 

 I make pumpkin dessert, pumpkin pie, roast pumpkin seeds.

I don’t carve pumpkins anymore but if you do, get the smooth kind or it can get pretty gnarly with a knife. Speaking of gnarly, the lumpy bumpy curcurbita are my favorite. That’s the genus for all those “fruits”. No, they are technically NOT vegetables. ‘Carnival’ and ‘Turban’ are  … [Continue reading]

Putting the tools away

Thu. Oct. 20, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Putting the tools away

One of the last tasks of the gardening season is tool attention. Every year I swear I’m going to be better at it NOT losing my tools. 2022 isn’t much different, except that my Hori Hori knife I guard with my life! Have I told you I LOVE that tool?

My bench under the eve of my garage gets filled with tools, which is better than leaving them around the yard!

Do YOU clean  … [Continue reading]

Keep on watering and mulch!

Wed. Oct. 19, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Keep on watering and mulch!

In my area we have experienced a persistent drought that has really affected our plant life. My red maple finally turned but it looked rough. While rain has been predicted it’s been sprinkles. As mentioned on Monday’s Garden Bite, I believe my Hackberry has sent out even more surface roots in search of water, which affected my raised garden bed. This found in Treehugger: Trees in a forest develop roots that  … [Continue reading]