Eco-friendly furniture

Fri. Sep. 3, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Eco-friendly furniture

Can you believe it’s the start of Labor Day weekend?! Wow. Sept. 6th, 2021. There’s still plenty of time though, to spend outdoors.

As more and more, we consider our impact on our planet, have you ever considered Eco-friendly furniture?  When I had my television show, Dig In Minnesota, I had the opportunity to find out more about a company that uses plastic bottles to create sustainable furniture. Breezesta.

There are many more sustainable outdoor  … [Continue reading]

Bursting to plant bulbs

Thu. Sep. 2, 2021

Click below to listen to my  2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Busting to plant bulbs

The fall planted bulbs are starting to show up at local nurseries. These are those spring bloomers like tulips and crocus.

But there’s also garlic, which will be ready to harvest in early August.

While catalogs, which are filling up my mailbox, offer a wider variety than some of our local stores, it’s important to make sure you’re getting a good product. 

When your bulbs arrive, inspect them immediately.  Your bulbs, rhizomes, and corms  … [Continue reading]

Annuals for Fall – freshening up those containers

Wed. Sep. 1, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Annuals for Fall – freshening up those containers

Local nurseries, grocery stores and even some gas stations are showing off Fall annuals. It feels early but that might be due to our warmer than normal temperatures.

Anyway, the mums are dazzling and there are a whole lot of other gorgeous options to refresh those spent summer annuals. Change out those pooped out petunias for some flowering kale along with those mums.

Crotons scream fall colors! They also make  … [Continue reading]

Big bluestem – Blackhawks

Tue. Aug. 31, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Big bluestem – Blackhawks

 Last year I picked up a new cultivar of Big Bluestem grass called ‘Blackhawks’. Oh my,  the foliage evolves throughout the growing season.

The long leaves are green in spring turning hues of bluish purple by June and will be turning more purple to red as the seasons turn. By Autumn, it’s nearly black! Oh my, it is striking!

It’s also tall. The leaves grow to 5 ft with the flowers and seed heads  … [Continue reading]

Blight blues on lilacs – again

Mon. Aug. 30, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Blight blues on lilacs – again

Last year’s cool, wet, rainy, spring season favored development of lilac blight and boy, did we get it! Lilac blight doesn’t go away. I know many tried to clean up the foliage and prune out the blighted branches. Garden Bite listeners sent photos…

The University of Minnesota Extension directed people to prune them hard. The problem is the disease, Pseudocercospora can persist for several years on plant debris  such as leaves, stems,  … [Continue reading]

Groundcovers to avoid

Fri. Aug. 27, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Groundcovers to avoid

Many years ago I planted Snow-on-the-Mountain aka Bishop’s weed. It handles shade and it spreads. Perfect. Until it wasn’t.

It took over everything in its path including hosta and Jack-in-the-pulpit and astilbe. The list goes on. Snow-on-the-mountain (Aegopodium podagraria ‘Variegata’) IS sold at nurseries but be sure to read how invasive it is and be prepared. 

A groundcover by its very nature risks becoming invasive.  There are some controllable groundcovers like “most” sedum  … [Continue reading]

Plants for clay soil

Thu. Aug. 26, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Plants for clay soil

I just talked about how to love your clay soil… let’s talk today about plants that “love”/like/tolerate clay soil!

One of my favorites is Aster. The fall blooming, pollinator attracting, native handles clay while delivering plenty of small daisy-like flowers till frost.  AND, they’re hardy to zone 3. There are different kinds of asters, check the tags! 

Rudbeckia hirta, aka, Blackeyed susans are another zone 3 fall blooming plant. There are a  … [Continue reading]

Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs

Wed. Aug. 25, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs

Despite our current Minnesota drought (as we discussed yesterday)… Fall remains a good time to plant trees and shrubs, the key will be watering.

They love the warm soil and cooler air. They also still have plenty of time to scoot their roots down deep into the soil. For easy growing, Rugosa roses are a good choice.

I have some incredibly easy and beautiful carpet roses that continue  … [Continue reading]

Busting buckthorn

Tue. Aug. 24, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Busting buckthorn

It’s not too early to think about dealing with Buckthorn, one of Minnesota’s most damaging invasive plants. Wisconsin’s not real happy with it either!! 

Buckthorn shrubs were originally brought here from Europe in the mid 1800’s and planted as hedges. Since then, they’ve been invading everywhere their seed has dropped. Female buckthorn should be targeted first. They bear fruit which means seeds which means birds eat and disperse them.

Buckthorn seeds in the soil can continue  … [Continue reading]

Avoid pruning trees in drought

Mon. Aug. 23, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Avoid pruning trees in drought

 While listeners in Wisconsin are faring far better this Summer of Drought, Minnesota is in tough shape. Only far southeastern Minnesota is okay. Most of the rest of the state is in severe to extreme drought.  A map from Aug. 19, 2021

You’ve likely seen your stress on your trees and shrubs. My hydrangeas are unhappy, leaves have started to drop on trees too early. Other signs include leaf curling, wilting and discoloration.  … [Continue reading]