Japanese beetles – the struggle is real

Thu. Apr. 29, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Japanese beetles – the struggle is real

 I’m already getting questions about Japanese beetles. The adults show up starting in late spring and continue munching their way through many of our plants through mid summer. UGH.

It’s sad when a great joy in the garden is grabbing your container of soapy water and drowning this little buggers, but there it is!

Is there something we can do NOW? Yes. It does involve pyrethrin. Bonide sells Japanese Beetle  … [Continue reading]

Fertilizing your lawn – why wait?

Wed. Apr. 28, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Fertilizing your lawn – why wait?

This is a yearly ponderable by the lawn faithful.  Fertilizing the lawn, should you or shouldn’t you?  The most correct answer, according to research, is NOT now. 

I know, I can hear many of you gasping, but the BEST times to fertilize your lawn are late summer and fall.  This is contrary to the traditional springtime application.

Early spring applications of nitrogen cause a surge of top growth in the plants,  … [Continue reading]

The dandelion dilemma

Tue. Apr. 27, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: The dandelion dilemma

 The dandelion dilemma.

Many folks are not in favor of embracing the weed, they’d rather fight it. You might consider seeking revenge in a different way! By eating it! 

In many European countries the lowly dandelion is on the menu!  Check out this recipe for Wilted Dandelion Salad with bacon 

 One of the most important things to remember before you pick those dandelions to eat, is that they are herbicide/pesticide free. So don’t put down  … [Continue reading]

Lawn care – weed killing

Mon. Apr. 26, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Lawn care – weed killing

 Does forsythia bloom foretell the coming of crabgrass? 

Perhaps, but Mother Nature is fickle, as we experience nearly every year!  Sometimes we get above average temperatures, sometimes we get two feet of snow. 

I do believe we’re past that now and people are more interested in what to do about crabgrass…

Today it’s about PRE and POST-emergents. They affect germinating seeds. That means, to be effective, the herbicide should be applied two to  … [Continue reading]

New annuals for 2021

Fri. Apr. 23, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: New annuals for 2021

 There’s nothing more fun that to wander local garden centers and see the new plants! Planning our container plantings, or choosing those annuals to fill in space in our garden beds! This year there are some pretty amazing options added.

One day brighter is a bush daisy called ‘High Noon’.

Bright, cheery yellow daisies bloom all season. It grows about 14 inches tall with an 18 inch spread, adorable and no deadheading. Part  … [Continue reading]

Earth Day 2021

Thu. Apr. 22, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Earth Day 2021

Happy Earth Day 2021

While many have sounded the alarm for years, more of us have seen, over the last year, what human industry has done to our beautiful planet as skies cleared over once smog-filled cities and wildlife returned as OUR lives slowed up and closed up in some places.

My friend, Hayes Scriven, and the man who is the Executive Director of Split Rock Lighthouse in Two Harbors, MN took this amazing photo  … [Continue reading]

Of pollinators and plants

Wed. Apr. 21, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Of pollinators and plants

Bees, honeybees in particular get the buzz as the premiere pollinators…

Honey bees in particular because they can be packed up and carted to commercial growers for pollinate, for instance, almond trees in California.

But nearly everything is a pollinator to a certain degree.  Butterflies are probably next on the list. Though inadvertent pollinators, they carry the pollen on their legs and bodies as they feed on the nectar of flowers.

Birds, beetles and  … [Continue reading]

Small space gardening

Tue. Apr. 20, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Small space gardening

Want to garden but have a small space? Not a problem. Gardening in small spaces requires you to maximize the space you have and keep potential problems under control.

The challenge is not planting too much.  Fewer plants, properly spaced, will actually give you a better yield than squeezing many plants in the same space. That means pumpkins and squash are pretty much out.

If you’re growing in containers, look for plants that are labeled  … [Continue reading]

Organic Matters

Mon. Apr. 19, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Organic Matters

I talked about soil and rain barrels and composting last week. But what about organic matters? What is it? Does it matter? How much organic matter matters? Can it be too much? According to the University of MN Extension, the answer is actually… YES. The link takes you to much more information on the U’s website.

But first, what is it? Soil organic matter (SOM) is the portion of soil that is composed of living  … [Continue reading]

Garden tool prep and pruning out damage

Fri. Apr. 16, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Garden prep and pruning out damage

If you’ve already been out in the yard, and let’s face it after some of that warmth we had, who wasn’t???

Still it’s a great time for garden tool prep. This is definitely a perennial topic!  I’ve been notorious for neglecting my tools but I’m making a concerted effort. You spend money for quality tools, they’re the backbone of our gardens… so spending some time giving them a good “going over”  … [Continue reading]