Rain barrels and compost bins

Thu. Apr. 15, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Rain barrels and compost bins

April Showers bring May flowers and an opportunity. Of course, the hope is that moisture isn’t in the solid form of snow!  Rainwater is the best kind of water for your lawn, trees, shrubs and flower gardens. Capturing it is a good thing for several reasons.  First, it’s free! 

It’s also a good stormwater management practice.  Corralling that precious water before it rushes down the storm drain and carries with it lawn chemicals  … [Continue reading]

Say yes to these easy perennials

Wed. Apr. 14, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Say yes to these easy perennials

There are plenty of perennials more amiable than others. Naturally,  the natives are… including a sedum from Prairie Moon called ‘Widows Cross’  

At just 6 inches tall, it’s an early bloomer that pollinators love! 

Sedum aka Stonecrop, is at the top of the list of forgiving plants.  And there are a lot of different varieties, nearly 500!  I have several myself, they’re great for groundcovers.

I also love how their color changes  … [Continue reading]

Seeding a new lawn

Tue. Apr. 13, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Seeding a new lawn

How do you start a new lawn? I talked with Gertens Lawn Guru, Tom Jameson, who has 30 years of experience perfecting seed combinations and protocols.

First up, it’s very important to start with the appropriate seed mix for YOUR situation. Check with your local garden centers.

You purchased the appropriate seed mix and have seeded as recommended on the package. Now it’s irrigating! Don’t create a swimming pool, but keep that seeded  … [Continue reading]

The “new normal” in Spring frost dates

Mon. Apr. 12, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: The “new normal” in Spring frost dates

Just over a week ago we had 83 degrees in southern Minnesota. What? That’s crazy business right there!

Of course last year on this very date, we had 8 inches of snow where I live.

So what’s the deal?

Our “average” frost date has been May 15th in zone 4 for a long time, but according to Dr. Mark Seeley, University of Minnesota professor emeritus and meteorologist, we can expect new  … [Continue reading]

Planting and trellising raspberries

Fri. Apr. 9, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Planting and trellising raspberries

The University of Minnesota Lawn & Garden pages had this article on planting and trellising raspberries last week and I wanted  to share it with you!  I LOVE fresh raspberries, not bought in a store. Take a peek at some lovely choices below! Yes, I know the photo is strawberries, but you get the idea!! 😉

Raspberries are so tasty! My dog, Gigi, loved them! We had to get to them before she ate  … [Continue reading]

A low mow, no mow grass choice

Thu. Apr. 8, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: A low mow, no mow grass choice

Lawn mowing season is coming… yay! Kinda…

if mowing isn’t your bag or you have a slope you’d rather not deal with, then consider Eco Grass.

Prairie Moon Nursery offers a blend of fine-leaved fescue grasses as an alternative to an energy-intensive conventional turf lawn. I’m not getting paid to talk about Eco-Grass, but want to share with you this option for a low mow, no mow grass.

It’s also an  … [Continue reading]

The foundation of life: Soil

Wed. Apr. 7, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: The foundation of life: Soil

Yesterday I talked about getting a soil test.  And not just the kind from the big box store but through soil laboratories at University Extensions. Today, let’s talk soil.  It truly is the foundation of life!

Soil  holds the keys to a plant’s ability to take up nutrients, water and oxygen.  Soil also acts as a filter for rainwater, cleaning it as it makes it’s way into our aquifers.   If you prepare your  … [Continue reading]

Soil testing – is it important?

Tue. Apr. 6, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show:  Soil testing – is it important?

If you really want to get down and dirty, get a soil test. Why?  I’ll tell you!

As we begin our planting season, the soil may still be wet, so keep that in mind… a soil test is one of the best things you do can for your plants and yourself!

The University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin will give you a comprehensive report on what your soil consists of.   … [Continue reading]

When to prune hydrangea

Mon. Apr. 5, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: When to prune hydrangea

 Hydrangeas are one of the most popular flowering shrubs.

A big question is when to prune them. Hydrangea paniculata is one of them. Prune back stems to just above a fat bud — called a heading cut — in fall, late winter or spring. These plants have conical-shaped flower heads. 

The above diagram is from the University of MN Ext. Read more here

Macrophylla, or Big leaf hydrangea produce buds in late summer  … [Continue reading]

Dreaming of 2021 plants

Fri. Apr. 2, 2021

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Dreaming of 2021 plants

Happy Friday! And happy 2021 plants. I’m excited to share some new introductions from Proven Winners to take you into your weekend of garden plotting!

First up is a bigleaf hydrangea that DOES stretch the limit a bit. It’s a zone 5 plant but ‘Wee Bit Giddy’ is worth it! She might be little but she’s tough.

Growing to 2 ft tall and about 30 inches wide the deep red blooms in alkaline soil  … [Continue reading]