PPA announces their Perennial of the Year 2023

Tue. Jan. 10, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: PPA announces their Perennial of the Year 2023

The Perennial Plant Association has named their choice for Perennial of the Year 2023. First, who IS PPA? They are a trade association composed of growers, retailers, landscape designers and contractors, educators, and other professionals in the perennial industry.

Their selection is a pollinator magnet. Rudbeckia ‘American Gold Rush’ is a compact black-eyed Susan.

Just 24 inches tall but with a width over 3 ft., it’s packed with a  … [Continue reading]

AAS tomato winners to try

Mon. Jan. 9, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: AAS tomato winners to try

Last week I mentioned receiving a lot of varied seeds from All America Selections. From years 2019 to 2022, they’re all AAS winners. This year I’m going to set up a space in my spare bedroom. It has little light but I’m looking at ways to start these seeds. When I figure it all out, I’ll share it here with you!

I’m really excited to test out the 5 tomato varieties AAS sent.  … [Continue reading]

Epiphany and what to do with your Christmas tree

Fri. Jan. 6, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Epiphany and what to do with your Christmas tree

Today is the official last day of the twelve days of Christmas. It’s the Epiphany, the time when Christians around the world remember the three Wise Men.

There are various celebrations around the world including Mexico where they bake a baby Jesus inside a cake and whoever gets that piece is the godparent of Jesus for the year.

In Spain it’s more elaborate with the “Three Kings” delivering  … [Continue reading]

Three things NOT to do in your garden

Thu. Jan. 5, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Three things NOT to do in your garden

Three more ways to ruin your garden!  Today I share Time and Teri tested methods in an effort to stop you! 

Last week I shared that not doing soil prep is the number one mistake gardeners make.

Today, as we ponder our plant lists after perusing the catalogs, you may want to think twice about plants that say ‘fills in rapidly’ when considering a plant to buy. 

The plant is  … [Continue reading]

Giving your leaves a bath

Wed. Jan. 4, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Giving your leaves a bath

I’ve talked about this topic before but it does bear repeating, especially in winter. Our leaves get really dusty over time. That layer of “gunk”, be it dust or even airborne grease from cooking, creates a layer that inhibits plants from doing what we want them to do. Especially in Winter. Clear the air.

Periodically cleaning the leaves of your houseplants is actually less work than letting it go until a year down  … [Continue reading]

Plant pot sizes and shapes

Tue. Jan. 3, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Plant pot sizes and shapes

Hmm, square or round? Maybe rectangular? Does it matter?

When selecting pots for our plants, we… or maybe just me, can get carried away with all the beautiful containers. I can ogle them almost as much as the plants.

I did a little research on the shapes of planters and found it makes a difference!

In particular square or round pots with the same diameter and height have differing amounts of soil they  … [Continue reading]

Bitter blast of Winter and our plants

Mon. Jan. 2, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Bitter blast of Winter and our plants

 Wow, the week of Christmas provided some wicked weather throughout the country.

Mother Nature rules and that’s something to always remember as we plan our gardens while we’re hunkered down in our homes. That heavy snow that came first in my area was really hard to shovel and very difficult on our trees. I talked about whether to knock if off your plants in a previous Garden Bite. (PS, I can’t  … [Continue reading]

Champagne history

Fri. Dec. 30, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Champagne history

 As we get set to clink glasses to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2023, I wanted to share a little history of the wine so associated with joyful festivities – Champagne!

What does it take for a wine to get that special designation? Strictly speaking, champagne is a sparkling wine that comes from the Champagne region of northeastern France.

If it’s a bubbly wine from another region, it’s sparkling wine. 

While many people use the  … [Continue reading]

Bottom watering houseplants

Thu. Dec. 29, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Bottom watering houseplants

 Watering is always an issue with houseplants.

The vast majority of people overwater their plants. It’s our first reaction if a plant doesn’t look like we think it should. Oh, give it more water. More times that not, that isn’t the problem.

Stick your finger into the soil about first knuckle deep. If it’s dry consider watering. But first check to see that is what the plant requires. Some, such as holiday cactus can go  … [Continue reading]

Top mistakes gardeners make

Wed. Dec. 28, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Top mistakes gardeners make

 As we nestle in for a long winter …

… I want to talk about the top mistakes new gardeners, and some of we more impatient gardeners make. Skipping soil prep is number one.

Soil is the foundation by which all things grow, so when you don’t take the time for a little prep, you’re giving your plants a shorter life span at the very least. 

You can’t completely change the structure of your  … [Continue reading]