Planting Spring bulbs

Tue. Oct. 9, 2018

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show:  Planting Spring bulbs

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I remember many years planting Spring bulbs with my fingers so dang cold they felt like frostbite! Oh but the delight of spring blooms is worth it… most of the time!

There’s a tulip I’m tempted by called ‘Dancing Fairy’… seriously that just sounds fun! This tulip is from the western Alps region of southeast France. Its petite yellow blossoms are brushed with orangey red.  How sweet would this May bloomer look under your deciduous trees and shrubs? Or a rock garden?

Tulip ‘Dancing Fairy’ by White Flower Farm

As I was casting my line for some new tulips, I ran across a tulip that is pretty hard to believe… its called ‘Rainbow Parrot’ from a company called Dutch Grown.  It’s currently sold out but will be available for pre-order in February. 

‘Rainbow Parrot’

Here’s another shot….

As my niece would say, “it’s amazeballs!”

Another 2018 introduction by Dutch Grown is a crocus called ‘Spring Beauty’.  It grows to just 4 inches tall but looks like a Rembrandt tulip with with dark purple flamed buds and the outermost petals with a white base, the inside shows when the flowers open, a beautiful soft light purple glow.

Crocus ‘Spring Beauty’

Okay, okay, one more bulb!  This one is an Allium called ‘Graceful Beauty’.  This one is actually sold out too… but I’m planting the seed, so to speak, for next year!  Dozens of small flowers produce very beautiful round clusters of white flowers, which have light pink to lavender stamens in late spring to early summer.

Allium ‘Graceful Beauty’ by Dutchgrown

Easy and not demanding and therefore a flower that easily comes back every year. They are at their best when they are planted in larger numbers. It grows to 16 inches and takes part shade.