Prairie up and enjoy

Tue. Apr. 25, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden  Bite radio show/podcast: Prairie up and enjoy

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Another author I’ve interviewed, and a MAJOR advocate of normalizing prairie lawns, Benjamin Vogt, has a phrase: Prairie Up. He’s referring to eliminating your lawn that offers pollinators nothing and is not the natural state of things. He uses ONLY natives. I have cultivars too.

Prairie lawn – Monarch gardens

While lawns have a purpose for those who play yard games, have pets or maybe used as a path, etc. the era of the Great expanse of lawn is coming to a close for homeowners.

Note: this doesn’t include playing fields! This is just your lawn.

MY take, as an individual, is that it’s introduced slowly. First, it’s easier to renovate a small chunk of your lawn at a time in terms of labor and expense. It also gives neighbors the opportunity to get used to it. We DO live in community, at least most of us, and it’s just helpful to be considerate of the neighbors too.

There was rock all around the porch in straight lines in 2012, this is 2022.

My neighbor loves lawn, he likes to seed the small patch between his driveway and my home each year. We’ve talked and he understands that I don’t use chemicals.

that little stretch for my neighbor…

I admit that I do enjoy seeing a small pretty lawn and I also enjoy flowers and pollinators.

June 25, 2022 – looking forward to 2023 – I plan to connect the space between the sculpture are and the other garden space next to the porch. I also want to continue expanding the Pennsylvania sedge grass and other wildflowers around my crabappple.

During the pandemic 18 million new gardeners emerged, finding ways to relieve stress and anxiety. Most are continuing after having tasted fruits of their labor, whether it, literally, be fruits or just taking the time to breathe in nature in their own landscape.

When considering native plantings, do so at YOUR pace. I advocate ADDING natives, not just ripping up all your cultivars. That’s not realistic and, honestly, I like those cultivars too.

If you have questions, you’re always welcome to find Garden Bite on facebook, instagram and here. Those are not going away. Enjoy your gardens and continue to reach out to me.