Pumpkins and spice and all things lumpy

Fri. Oct. 21, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Pumpkins and spice and all things lumpy

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 Love it or hate, it’s pumpkin (ps, pumpkins are squash) spice everything season. 

bumpy curcurbita! aka pumpkins and squash and gourds

 I make pumpkin dessert, pumpkin pie, roast pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin dessert and turkey plates – my contribution

I don’t carve pumpkins anymore but if you do, get the smooth kind or it can get pretty gnarly with a knife. Speaking of gnarly, the lumpy bumpy curcurbita are my favorite. That’s the genus for all those “fruits”. No, they are technically NOT vegetables. ‘Carnival’ and ‘Turban’ are my favorites and they’re tasty too. Oh and ‘Blue hubbard’ and ‘Red Cinderella’ too! 


I tried to add a video, it looked great in the dashboard but when published it did not! Sorry….

pumpkins, squash, gourds – they’re all curcurbitas

This heirloom pumpkin is either ugly or elegant, your call. Galeux d’eysines Pumpkin

Pumpkin Galeux d’eysines

The pumpkin is pink and shaped like a wheel of cheese, covered with beige scars or bumps that resemble peanuts, but are actually caused by sugar in the skin. When cooked, the flesh is sweet and very smooth. In France, it’s traditionally used for soups and sauces, but it’s also delicious fried in butter. The pumpkins weigh 15 to 25 pounds and keep for months – both form and function! There are so many ways to eat squash. Here are the Best Squash Recipes according to Food & Wine. 

Roasted winter squash with vanilla butter

As long as the squirrels don’t get to them, YOU don’t cut them open and put a candle in them, the curcurbitas should stay fresh into November.

My Fall display 2013