Rabbits – of romance and rage

Wed. May. 27, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Rabbits – of romance and rage

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Bunnies, the bane of gardeners everywhere!

sneaky bunny

They have a voracious appetite for fresh vegetation which they cut clean off.  They’re also voracious at something else which makes them capable of producing up to 18 baby bunnies a year!  The best defense is not giving them a homestead! I had a family of bunnies living under my raised porch… I put some hardwire cloth where I could and then used my barberry and rose branches to deter them. So far, it’s helped! 

My boxwood. Notice my rose branches? My rabbit deterrent. They liked to have their babies under my porch. Not anymore!

Liquid Fence and Plant Skydd are 2 of the best repellents for rabbits.  I personally like Plant Skydd in the granular form, it lasts up to 3 months and is completely safe for kids and pets.  I have not found Plant Skydd in many stores, I had to order it online.

raised bed May 2018 – right near the lilac is where the rabbits had made a home!

One good thing about Rabbits – their poop is great for your garden!

bunny poop photo from bestrabbithutch.com

The bunnies haven’t touched the front garden! A dose of Plantskydd helped!