The 411 on fertilizing

Wed. May. 25, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: The 411 on fertilizing

Did you go plant shopping?

I did… and I’m not done!

I’m notoriously bad at feeding my plants once I’ve planted them. I add an organic fertilizer when first planted…

May 2022 – Big Red – the fertilizer I’m using here is specifically for annuals

So, in that vein, I’m going to help you AND me!  Proven Winners, one of the top plant breeders, says it’s really important to feed your container plants.  That makes sense, they’re roots can only go so far and get so much! 

Since annuals live their entire life in one season, they will bloom bigger and better with more fertilizer treatments.  They don’t have the advantage of a perennial that already has a hardy root system.

Always follow package directions OR use less!  Never use more.  For great blooms, use a 10-20-10 fertilizer.  The middle number is phosphorus and is responsible for fruits, blooms and roots.

N = Nitrogen – foliage

P = Phosphorus – blooms/fruits and roots

K = Potassium – overall plant health

If you’ve bought plants for their foliage, then use a fertilizer with more nitrogen, something like a 20-10-10.

Aralia ‘Sun King’ May 2021 – perennial

Perennials could use a power boost each Spring.  To play it safe, you can use a general fertilizer such as a 10-10-10 but cut the dose by half and then fertilize again in early June.  I urge you to err on the side of caution so you don’t  burn your plants.

Back to annuals…

My planting station BEFORE… I bought those baskets filled with flowers in Oct. 2020. I will continue to use them as long as they hold out! The white bag is fertilizer for perennial, tree and shrub and is 15-7-15 controlled release. 
Ready! The water jugs are holding up the basket for me!

NOTE:  If it’s really hot, DON’T fertilize.  You can always top dress your plants as well.  Adding compost right on top of the soil works for water retention and gives them some macro and micro nutrients.

finished compost ready for garden bed