Getting a jump on bulb planting

Thu. Mar. 4, 2021

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Bulbs is an all encompassing term that includes rhizomes, corms and tubers too! You can get a jump start on these bulbs by planting them indoors from about mid-March through April! Then, when the weather has warmed, plant them outdoors in your garden beds or leave them in pots.

Glad 2019


There are slightly different planting techniques for each of the types of bulbs. First, make sure your bulbs are in good shape.  NO mushy parts!  They should feel firm.  You need at least one eye per division.   Here’s a brief general overview of planting indoors early in the season:

  • Bulbs – plant with pointy side up about 3 inches into the pot
  • Rhizomes – eyes should be looking up at you just peeking above the soil surface
  • Corms – plant hollow side up at the same level as the soil
  • Tubers – knobby side up, one to two inches deep in the pot

Plant in a potting soil mix or a 50/50 mix of potting soil and vermiculite or perlite for better drainage.  Then move to a warm location.  Once the leaves emerge, get them to the light! Please note that you may find different instructions for the different types of flowers!

Dahlia ‘Nick Senior’ by Easy to Grow Bulbs

For much more comprehensive information check out the University of Minnesota Extension.  Check out Bulb Basics [University of Illinois]

Canna ‘Angel Martin’ by Growing Colors
Photo by U of MN ext.