Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Harvesting our produce
Audio PlayerWe’re finally seeing the fruits of our vegetable garden labor with fresh tomatoes, peppers and corn.

The zucchini has been delivering like crazy. I’ve made multiple batches of my Chinese 5-spice zucchini bread, tried my hand at parmesan zucchini chips and have zoodles in the freezer. I have recipes on my RECIPES tab above.

My neighbors have also been treated to zucchini. Although they may not consider it that since I have to put it on their doorstep in the middle of the night! Oops, did I say that out loud!
Now’s the time of abundance for some, if you have extra, you may be able to donate it to your local food shelf. In my town, ours can accept produce. Check in your area.

The preparing, the planting, the caring and then the harvest! Oh and we’re not done. Waiting for those pumpkins and squash! I don’t plant them as they take up more room than I have but that’s another bonus of our local Farmers Markets!
I’ve been enjoying a new cherry tomato (new to me that is), ‘Midnight Snack’. It starts out a deep purple and turns more orange. You have to be patient and wait for it to turn more orange. If you do, you’ll be glad!

My ‘4th of July’ tomatoes (also a cultivar I’d not tried before) finally started producing last week and they’re worth it. I have two other kinds that I’m trying this year. ‘Umamin’ so far has produced just a few tomatoes and they’re not ripe yet. I also have ‘tye dye’. The season is really a couple of weeks behind.

How’s YOUR garden growing? Share your garden photos and insights on my GardenBite facebook page! I’d love to see what you’ve got going on. And find GardenBite on twitter, instagram and youtube too. My new videos on raising and releasing monarch butterflies and also a magical garden tour.