When a nut’s not a nut and a berry’s not a berry

Tue. Oct. 18, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: When a nut’s not a nut and a berry’s not a berry

I subscribe to a newsletter from my friend and favorite arborist, Faith Appelquist of Treequality. She never disappoints and this month I asked if I could share it with you all!


When is a nut not a nut and a berry not really a berry? She writes: Many of the edible plant products which we call nuts are, in botanical terms, fruit. Fruits  … [Continue reading]

Planting garlic – 2022

Mon. Oct. 17, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Planting garlic – 2022

This is the week to plant garlic if you live in zone 3 to 5. Generally you plant 1 to 2 weeks AFTER a killing frost. Homegrown garlic is better than store bought just as every other vegetable/fruit is better! Last year I planted Elephant Ear, Duganski and Deerfield Purple. My favorite was the Elephant Ear.

THIS year, 2022, I planted ‘Music’, a robust variety, it’s flavor is described as rich, garlicky, strong,  … [Continue reading]

Tips for pollinator planting

Fri. Oct. 14, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Tips for pollinator planting

The National Garden Bureau, of which I’m a member, offered up some fabulous tips for pollinator plantings that I want to share with you today.

While the point is to attract pollinators, the plants need to be nurtured. With their futures so intertwined, if we help one, we need to help both.

Tip number one… be kind to soil. Something like one tablespoon of soil holds more living forms than people currently populating  … [Continue reading]

Tips to protecting and feeding birds as winter approaches

Thu. Oct. 13, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Tips to protecting and feeding birds as winter approaches

Last week I talked about bird feeders and squirrels. Today it’s about WHAT to feed those birds as winter comes roaring in… at some point.

To offset the white of winter, or the bleak brown, it’s the BIRDS that help us through. And this is OUR time to help THEM through with plenty of nutrition!

Contrary to what I’ve heard some people say, feeding the birds in winter  … [Continue reading]

The finale for the Winged Wahoo

Wed. Oct. 12, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. radio show/podcast: The finale for the Winged Wahoo

This is the last year you can purchase a Winged Wahoo in my state, Minnesota. I had never heard that name for the shrub more commonly know as Burning Bush. However, it is FUN to say “winged wahoo”. Maybe since ‘Wahoo’ is a favorite word of mine!

In 2020, the Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture named the Euonymus alatus (Burning Bush) their October Weed of the Month.

Here’s a very quick video from the  … [Continue reading]

Winter protection for outdoor containers

Tue. Oct. 11, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Winter protection for outdoor containers

We all know it’s coming, the s-word. And I ain’t talkin’ stew and sweatshirts! As I noted yesterday, it can happen early! HA! 

It’s time to start thinking about winter prep/storage of those ceramic/glazed containers that held your lovely plant arrangements all season.

I do leave out my large, heavy ceramic container to plant for the Christmas season.

I also have two other glazed pots, which handle the least amount of wet conditions  … [Continue reading]

What those “frosty” terms mean to our plants

Mon. Oct. 10, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: What those “frosty” terms mean to our plants

It’s not Winter yet, but it’s on the way and some have already experienced some temperatures dipping into the 20’s. I was on a recent motorcycle trip and 50 is a bit cool! Other friends were going this week where highs are in the low 40’s! Tomatoes and peppers have already been covered or lost.

We’ve traded out the summer annuals for mums and kale, brought the tropicals inside or

 … [Continue reading]

Preparing for migratory birds

Fri. Oct. 7, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Preparing for migratory birds

The monarch and the birds are beginning their migration very soon if they haven’t already.  I’ve had plenty of finches at my rain garden and munching on the seeds of the sunflowers I grew this year.

Now’s the time to clean out those bird feeders, get rid of the old bird seed and refresh them. Bonni, the bird expert, does not recommend anything but vinegar water to clean them. Do not use bleach or  … [Continue reading]

Planting before the ground freezes

Thu. Oct. 6, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Planting before the ground freezes

You can still plant healthy shrubs and trees into November! This does NOT mean evergreens. You need to wait till next spring for them.

While our temperatures can get pretty cold, the ground in our zone 3 and 4 climates doesn’t “generally” freeze until late in November and December. That means you can take advantage of deals at your local nursery.

When shopping, don’t be afraid to take the plants out of their  … [Continue reading]

Overwintering geraniums

Wed. Oct. 5, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Overwintering geraniums

In the last couple of years I’ve heard more and more people overwintering geraniums. So, today, after seeing the University of Minnesota Extension jump into it, I thought I would share their information.

Full disclosure, I have not attempted this but my sister did and had some success.

Geraniums can be overwintered indoors by taking cuttings, potting up individual plants or storing bare-root plants in a cool, dry location. Make sure to do one or  … [Continue reading]