Clay soil in drought 2022

Tue. Aug. 9, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Clay soil in drought 2022

I’ve often talked about clay soil but with this year’s drought conditions adding to last year, I felt like we should revisit the subject and what it means for us right now.

Clay soil IS nutrient rich.

It’s packed with pockets that hold water. Sandy soil just drains that delicious liquid away quickly. I can vouch for that as the City built my rain garden with a LOT of sand But we’re not  … [Continue reading]

Hot weather affects your vegetable garden

Mon. Aug. 8, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Hot weather affects your vegetable garden

Whew… this heat is really affecting our vegetable gardens. The University of Minnesota Extension notes that some home gardeners are seeing beautiful bushy cucumber plants with no fruit, tomatoes not ripening and beans with few flowers.

In my own garden I’ve noticed small yields on tomatoes and peppers while my sunflowers are stunted.

My Grape ‘Juliet’ tomatoes were doing wonderful but now, they are tiny.

The high temps are affecting our gardens  … [Continue reading]

Celebrating National Farmers Market week Aug. 7th – 13th 2022

Fri. Aug. 5, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Celebrating National Farmers Market week 2022

National Farmers Market week starts on Sunday! I LOVE Farmers Markets. There’s one every Saturday in my hometown along the River. Directory to US Farmers Markets

Fresh produce, flowers, handmade goodies and so much more!!! Artists and musicians and delightful treats of the edible and non-edible abound.

There’s also a farmers market a couple of blocks over taking place during the week. I bought beets and apple bread last week!

And zucchini  … [Continue reading]

Wild parsnip 2022

Thu. Aug. 4, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Wild parsnip 2022

From Minnesota to Pennsylvania, wild parsnip is on the obnoxious noxious weed list.

Wild parsnip is highly invasive and if ignored can spread rapidly, developing into large monocultures that replace native animal and plant habitat.

It reduces the quality of agricultural forage crops and can also impact livestock if eaten… and NOT in a good way. The plant sap contains toxic chemicals that are activated by sunlight and can cause serious burns and blisters  … [Continue reading]

Drought tolerant perennials 2022 update

Wed. Aug. 3, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Drought tolerant perennials 2022 update

Once again, many of us are living with drought conditions. Our climate is changing, that’s a fact and we really need to start considering more drought tolerant plants if we don’t want to water constantly.

My rain barrel FINALLY got filled up but it doesn’t take long for 55 gallons to be drank up by thirsty container plants and houseplants.

Finding perennials that are pest resistant, drought resistant and bloom all summer long! 

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Tomatoes 2022 – dehydrating and roasting

Tue. Aug. 2, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio/podcast show: Tomatoes 2022 – dehydrating and roasting

This year I planted just 2 tomato plants. A grape variety called ‘Juliet’, who’s been producing beautifully.

And ‘Super Fantastic’ which just allowed me to have my first BST! Bacon, Spinach, Tomato sandwich. I highly recommend both of these varieties.

While it was a late start this year due to a cold spring, all those who planted tomatoes are now starting to harvest.

Likely they’re being eaten right away, however, I DO

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Lawn mower damage

Mon. Aug. 1, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Lawn mower damage

 I have a neighbor. My neighbor has a large lot with rentals on it and uses a big riding lawn mower. My neighbor has repeatedly wounded my Ancestry Oak tree in the last 2 years. 

So what’s the damage?

My neighbor is a nice person but with the property a rental he mows as low as possible to save him coming back often.

The Oak is also, technically, on his property. And just so you  … [Continue reading]

Daddy-longlegs: spider or not?

Fri. Jul. 29, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Daddy-longlegs: spider or not?

Happy Friday! Let’s talk bugs. I’m revisiting the question as to whether Daddy-longlegs are spiders since a co-worker had an encounter with one and thought it best to kill it. Hmmm, here are some cool facts I found out when a listener told me to check out Daddy-longlegs.

For those who are spider squeamish, don’t worry, daddy-longlegs aren’t spiders!

  • They don’t have venom
  • They can’t spin a web
  • They are generally beneficial – they
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Rock and plants

Thu. Jul. 28, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Rock and plants

 I was recently asked by a homeowner if she could plant hydrangeas in the river rock that borders her home. The quick answer is no. But I did ask her want sun/shade conditions she had. Okay… she said sun. That leaves more questions. Is it morning or afternoon? She said from 1pm to 7pm. Yikes, that’s a LOT of heat. Most plants will fry in those conditions because that rock heats up and holds the  … [Continue reading]

Coral Bells aka Heuchera

Wed. Jul. 27, 2022

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Coral Bells aka Heuchera

Sun or shade, there’s a heuchera for you. Also known as Coral Bells, there are SO many different varieties now it really can blow your mind.

These perennials are grown for their amazing foliage. From deep purples to peach. Fire engine red to hues of nearly every color but blue (although the one in the photo below LOOKS blue) ! Where I work we grow and sell over 40 varieties, and there are more! … [Continue reading]