Air plants trend for 2023

Tue. Jan. 24, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Air plants trend for 2023

Last week I talked about the latest popular plants including Strings of plants and succulents and cacti, so great for the office.

Air Plants have been trending for a while and remain very popular in 2023.

Their Latin name is Tillandsia and they are native to South and Central America with about 500 species!

Do they really grow with no soil? Yes, they are epiphytes, meaning they grow on other plants, usually tree  … [Continue reading]

More new plants for 2023

Mon. Jan. 23, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: More new plants for 2023

The best part about this time of year, besides enjoying some winter sports, is sitting in my favorite chair and gazing at all the new plants.

Today I’m sharing an annual, a perennial or shrub, if you prefer, and an edible. I discovered these 2023 offerings I found through the National Garden Bureau where I’m a member. 

A beautiful early spring bloomer, this plant has multiple names. I’m going with Cineraria Senetti ‘White  … [Continue reading]

Plant resolutions

Fri. Jan. 20, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Plant resolutions

We’re into the 3rd full  week of January and by now most of us have already recanted some of those silly resolutions we made in week one!  I broke my resolution when that Snickers Bar wouldn’t leave me alone till I ate it. They can be relentless. 

I’ve shared many times about resolving to start a garden journal.  I hope you’ll do that.

There are also a few plant resolutions that I would like to share  … [Continue reading]

Succulents vs Cacti

Thu. Jan. 19, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Succulents vs Cacti

 Yesterday I talked about the popularity of the succulent, Strings of plants. Cactus are also very popular as they are excellent home or office plants.

What’s the difference between a succulent and a cactus?

There is a saying, “all cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti”. Cacti are simply a subcategory within a group of plants, which are known collectively as succulents. I’ll explain…  I checked out an article from Planetdesert for a  … [Continue reading]

Strings of plants

Wed. Jan. 18, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Strings of plants

 In the world of succulents, strings of them have gained significant popularity both among plant aficionados and home decorators!

I just saw a String of Bananas. I have to admit, they look like tiny green bananas, full and hanging down. So what ARE they?

String Plants are adorable smallish plants that grow very well in hanging baskets or in a container on a pedestal or sitting on a shelf where they can trail down. They’re  … [Continue reading]

Discovering more AAS seed gifts

Tue. Jan. 17, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Discovering more AAS seed gifts

As I’ve mentioned, I received seeds from AAS. I looked at one packet with no clue what the heck it was. Tropaeolum minus with the cultivar called ‘Baby Rose’. I had to look it up!

It’s a nasturtium! A 2019 AAS winner, ‘Baby Rose’ is a petite-flowered, mounding variety with healthy, dark foliage on compact plants making it ideal for containers and small space gardens. It also means that the flowers don’t flop!  … [Continue reading]

How does snowfall affect drought conditions?

Mon. Jan. 16, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: How does snowfall affect drought conditions?

I have been repeatedly asked the question, with record snowfall in many areas, does it mean our drought is over.

Oh how I would love to say absolutely! But I can’t. Not yet. Check out this Drought monitor map. 

While snowfall is a great insulator from our sub zero temperatures, the ground IS frozen. That means that, should there be melting of the snowfall it will run off and NOT soak into  … [Continue reading]

Lighting for plants

Fri. Jan. 13, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: Lighting for plants

Yesterday I talked a little about the light spectrum for houseplants.  If you’re trying to get a houseplant to flower, ideally you’ll give it the full spectrum of light.

While you can achieve that with a combination of warm/soft bulbs and the cool/white bulbs you may consider LED lights. 

According to a 2016 study, NASA scientists, found that LED lights provide the best source of lighting for plants cultivated indoors.  Better for plants, better for

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How to kill a houseplant

Thu. Jan. 12, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: How to kill a houseplant

Why would I tell you how to kill a houseplant? I’m supposed to love plants… I tell you so you don’t… kill them!

This time of year I get a lot of questions about houseplants.  Why are the leaves brown, yellow or limp?  Why is my plant crunchy?  I’ve decided to share with you a list of the 5 easiest ways to kill a houseplant!   

Number 1: poor light.  Either too little, too  … [Continue reading]

New hostas and a family drama

Wed. Jan. 11, 2023

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show/podcast: New hostas and a family drama

 My niece wants me to help her landscape her place. Sadly she had a fire and her home was destroyed. It is being rebuilt but that’s quite a process. In the meantime she’s given me this information to work with: nothing that takes any time and no hosta. How is she even related to me!!

I’ll be breaking the news to her that EVERY landscape takes some effort, even the easy ones

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