Types of feeders

Fri. Nov. 15, 2019

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Types of feeders

Yesterday was about the food, today is about the feeder!

There are numerous feeders out there.  Which ones work?  Well, they all do but which ones keep the squirrels at bay?  Ha!  None of them forever, unless you have them rigged for an electric shock when they touch it.

Someone I know actually did that!  He had fashioned a shocker that he could operate by remote control from the kitchen when the blackbirds would flock  … [Continue reading]

Foods for the birds

Thu. Nov. 14, 2019

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Foods for the birds

There’s nothing like calming your spirit after a slushy, bumper to bumper ride home than watching the brilliant Red Cardinal feasting on bird food out your window.   Bird Notes from Cornell U’s Ornithology lab is a great read on feeding birds.

For your enjoyment, make sure you locate the bird feeders where you can see them keeping in mind that birds want to feel safe.  So an area that will provide quick cover should  … [Continue reading]

Battling buckthorn

Wed. Nov. 13, 2019

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Battling buckthorn

It’s that time of year…  although the cold and snow are early, the Buckthorn shrub/small tree still holds it’s leaves.  Which makes it a great target!  This terribly invasive shrub is easily visible this time of year as it holds it’s leaves and berries longer than most.

Buckthorn takes over our native plants and shrubs and is NOT good for birds. It’s not poisonous, it just doesn’t give them any nutrition as they don’t absorb it.  … [Continue reading]

Tucking the tools away and a Japanese Lilac update

Tue. Nov. 12, 2019

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Tucking tools away and a Japanese Lilac update

Some of us have already experienced January type temperatures and snow before you had a chance to tuck your tools away! Don’t let that stop you, you still have time!

I barely made it myself with disconnecting my hoses but I have to mention, it’s a lot easier with the quick disconnect I got from Dramm.

I also love the new hose protector they came out with. I sort  … [Continue reading]

Field Exercises – Healing through nature

Mon. Nov. 11, 2019

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Field Exercises – healing through nature

Today is Veterans Day and I want to honor all those who have served our Country, those gave their lives and for those who have come back from war with injuries that include PTSD, I use that term simply because most folks understand it.  I will say, however, that there are many that disagree with the Disorder piece of it, and would prefer to call it simply Post Traumatic Stress.

The stress  … [Continue reading]

Highlighting Liatris – Blazing Star

Fri. Nov. 8, 2019

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Highlighting Liatris – Blazing Star

Among the native plants I purchased from my local Soil and Water Conservation District for my butterfly garden was the Liatris. This marvelous pollinator plant is also called Blazing Star or Gayfeather. 

It’s tough, it’s dependable and, among it’s species, is a monarch magnet! Yes, the monarch butterfly which favors milkweed, also adores Meadow Blazing Star. The links explain the Latin names of the plants.

Rough (or Button) Blazing Star is hardy  … [Continue reading]

Too much TLC can kill

Thu. Nov. 7, 2019

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Too much TLC can kill

Your tropicals you had outside all summer should be safely indoors now.   As we start turning indoors, we’re paying more attention to all of our houseplants.  Mostly that’s a good idea but too much T-L-C can kill a houseplant!

The elephant ear will go dormant. Last year I put it downstairs just to see, and I got a gorgeous plant… so, back into the basement this Winter!

Overwatering is the number one killer  … [Continue reading]

Saving your woodies over Winter

Wed. Nov. 6, 2019

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Saving your woodies over Winter

Before you start giggling… Tom, I know you are…. listen up, this is good advice!  ? A perennial topic this time of your is protecting your woodies.  Here’s the explanation! Woody plants are plants that have hard stems (thus the term, “woody“) and that have buds that survive above ground in winter. The best-known examples are trees and shrubs (bushes). These are commonly broken down further into the deciduous and  … [Continue reading]

Bringing fragrance indoors

Mon. Nov. 4, 2019

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Bringing fragrance indoors

We turned back the clock this weekend.  Hope you enjoyed that extra hour of sleep!  I sure did. I get up real early in the morning and have enjoyed the starry skies for the past month. I also enjoy the crisp fall air and the smells of Fall, especially bonfires.

But, we’re also moving more indoors and, as we clean for the holidays, perhaps you want to bring in some fragrance! Likely not smoke from  … [Continue reading]

November to-do’s

Fri. Nov. 1, 2019

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: November to-do’s

Garden cleanup… what to do and other tips for November

Debris removal is important particularly if you’ve had any disease. As  I talked about a couple of weeks ago, I had tomato leaves with septoria leaf spot in my vegetable garden. 

Another area of concern is the fallen leaves and rotten fruit at the base of your fruit trees.  Oftentimes, that debris is a hiding spot for disease that overwinters and then presents itself next season. … [Continue reading]