Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Drought tolerant flowers
Audio PlayerWhile many of you have had plenty of rain, others… not so much. We’re heading into some of the drier weeks of the Summer.
Wouldn’t it be great to find flowers that are pest resistant, drought resistant and bloom all summer long! A tall order, however, the Heliopsis is up to the challenge! Also known as False Sunflower, sunflower heliopsis and smooth oxeye it’s a native AND cold hardy to zone 3.

This flower, also known as False Sunflower, sunflower heliopsis and smooth oxeye is also cold hardy to zone 3… Oh and did I mention it’s a native prairie plant? There are also many cultivars.

Another drought tolerant perennial hardy to zone 3 is the Yarrow ‘Coronation gold’. This one also makes a great addition to your dried flower arrangements.

There are lots of yarrows but watch for zone hardiness, some are only rated tolerant to zone 4. Yarrows flower from June to October!

Coreopsis is another choice for long bloom during our hot, dry summers. For best results plant in full sun. Coreopsis spreads by self-seeding.

The Purple Coneflower or Echinacea Purpurea, is another super perennial for it’s long bloom, zone 3 hardiness and relative easy care and native.

There are lots of new varieties of Echinacea (or coneflower) so read the label to make sure it fits your needs.

And we’ll wrap it up with another native, Aquilegia Canadensis or Native Columbine! I love this plant for it’s deer resistance while being a butterfly and hummingbird haven.