Lawn alternatives

Wed. Aug. 12, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Lawn alternatives

I talked about overseeding your lawn and what types of grass seed there is. Today, let’s talk about alternatives to lawns. You know about my mostly clover lawn…

…but there are other options out there that can provide that grassy look without the chemicals and water consumption of the typical American lawn.

Pennsylvania sedge has fine textured leaves, a 6 to 10 inch height with a creeping habit. I bought mine from Prairie Moon Nursery

More  … [Continue reading]

What seed to use for your lawn

Tue. Aug. 11, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: What seed to use for your lawn

Depending on where you live this question is answered differently.  We talked about overseeding your lawn but what’s the best mix for you?  There are blends and there are mixtures.  A blend is the same type of grass but different cultivars.  A mix has 2 maybe 3 different varieties of grasses for cultural diversity.  In other words, for lawns that have differing sun/shade conditions.  The best recommendation is to figure out  … [Continue reading]

Overseeding your lawn

Mon. Aug. 10, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Overseeding your lawn

While I advocate diversity in my yard, including the sweet smelling clover, there are plenty of people that want a lawn. So, for you folks, the best defense against weeds is a lush lawn.

Mid August to mid-September is the BEST time to overseed your lawn. The soil is warm, so seeds germinate quickly, The temps, in theory, should be starting to cool and getting perfect for growing grass.  Notice in the photo below the  … [Continue reading]

Edible weeds

Fri. Aug. 7, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Edible weeds

The last couple of days I’ve teased you with some gorgeous plants to think about. Today, it’s about eating your yard! While I have called some of my gardening peeps, Weekend Weed Warriors, perhaps a better moniker might be, the lazy gardeners veggie garden!  

Plantain is edible and, according to Edible Wild Food, has many health benefits! Clover makes a great tea!

Dandelions are well known edibles.  Every part of the dandelion is edible from  … [Continue reading]

Companion plants to Summerific hibiscus

Thu. Aug. 6, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Companion plants to Summerific hibiscus

Yesterday I talked about the new Summerific hibiscus. Yowza!

Today I’ve got plants suggested to go with your new hibiscus from Proven Winners. One idea they have is to plant sweet potato vine as a groundcover! It’s really pretty. ‘Sweet Caroline Kiwi’ has the perfect chartreuse color to really show off those hibiscus.

 Sweet Caroline will trail to 30 inches and would look gorgeous with ‘Evening Rose’ hibiscus.

‘Snow Princess’ sweet alyssum, another  … [Continue reading]

Summerific hibiscus

Wed. Aug. 5, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Summerific hibiscus

Ahhh, Summer. Road construction, dust and flowers abloom! Today I introduce you to the Summerfic line of Hibiscus from Proven Winners! There’s a new one for 2020 and THREE more coming in 2021! Oh, yes, pictures are on gardenbite dot com! ‘Candy Crush’ has 8 inch bubblegum pink blooms with a deep red, nearly black, center.

It grows to 4 to 4 ½ ft. tall and is attractive to bees and butterflies. The foliage is bright  … [Continue reading]

Drought tolerant flowers

Tue. Aug. 4, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Drought tolerant flowers

While many of you have had plenty of rain, others… not so much. We’re heading into some of the drier weeks of the Summer.

Wouldn’t it be great to find flowers that are pest resistant, drought resistant and bloom all summer long! A tall order, however, the Heliopsis is up to the challenge!  Also known as False Sunflower, sunflower heliopsis and smooth oxeye it’s a native AND cold hardy to zone 3.

This flower, also  … [Continue reading]

Japanese Beetles intoxicated by geraniums

Mon. Aug. 3, 2020

Click on the link below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Japanese Beetles intoxicated by geraniums

Had a little too much there, fella?

From the USDA research department: Within 30 minutes of consuming geranium petals, the beetle rolls over on its back, its legs and antennae slowly twitch, and it remains paralyzed for several hours. The beetles typically recover within 24 hours, but they often succumb to death after predators spot and devour the beetles while they are helpless.

The University of Colorado Extension has a  … [Continue reading]

What goes with who?

Fri. Jul. 31, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: What goes with who?

 I love getting questions from listeners and suggestions for Garden Bite topics. I was recently asked about what plants get along and what plants might not…  First thing that comes to mind are invasive plants.

Beautiful… but it spread and those didn’t flower, they just looked weedy!

IF you don’t mind a plant creating your garden, then buy that invasive or “easy spreader” as they are referred to in plant catalogs.

Monarda and Obedient  … [Continue reading]

Read the plant label

Thu. Jul. 30, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Read the plant label

Read the directions, read the label… blah blah blah!  It’s a good idea! 😉

There are plenty of plants that have the same “first” name but are completely different! Case in point:

The first name is the genus, the second is the species. While the both had the same cultural requirements, they behaved very differently…

Let’s take Viburnum for instance.  This group of shrubs consists of more than 150 species and cultivars.  Light  … [Continue reading]