Fall herbicide care

Thu. Sep. 24, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Fall herbicide care

Most of you know that I’m not much for chemicals, however, I know that many folks still want a lawn that’s more grass than weeds. Now through late October is the best time to put down a herbicide for those broadleaf weeds.

These plants are actively growing making it a good time to get at them.  The broadleaf weeds include dandelion, plantain lily, white clover and wild violets. 

After treatment, these guys will begin to  … [Continue reading]

Too much produce? What to do safely

Wed. Sep. 23, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Too much produce? What to do safely

 With the pandemic a LOT of folks started vegetable gardening, a healthy outdoor activity while on lockdown. Something to sink our teeth into, so to speak.

Others expanded their gardens and now your neighbors are kind of over accepting more cucumbers and zucchini from you!  So what do you do?

Comprehensive information on varied ways to safely preserve your harvests [Univ. of MN Ext.]

When harvesting vegetables, be careful not to  … [Continue reading]

Autumnal Equinox – savoring Fall

Tue. Sep. 22, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Autumnal Equinox – savoring Fall

 Happy Autumnal Equinox Day!  We turn the Autumnal corner at 8:30 this morning! Some trees are already changing color, hopefully we’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the show. I think my French lilac is very happy to move on to 2021!

I just love this time of year.  Sweatshirts and flannels, leaving the windows cracked open at night with that cool air making good sleeping weather

We are bringing in our garden  … [Continue reading]

Oak wilt

Mon. Sep. 21, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Oak wilt

A friend of mine has, what used to be, a gorgeous old oak tree. Sadly it has Oak wilt. As we took a walk through a college arboretum I live near, we noticed it there too. Oak Wilt is caused by a non-native, invasive fungus  Ceratocystis fagacearum. (now you know why I didn’t even try to pronounce it on my radio show!)

The fungus invades the water-conducting vessels of oaks, eventually killing infected trees. While the  … [Continue reading]

Choosing plants NOT for cost but for longevity – the case for local garden centers

Fri. Sep. 18, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Choosing plants NOT for cost but for longevity – the case for local garden centers

Admission, I am guilty of this. Looking at the garden catalogs and seeing a spectacular looking plant and the price knocked down by 50%… because it’s Fall and falling in love. I nearly did that with a stunning hibiscus called ‘Midnight Marvel’.

This baby’s got some serious YOWZA goin’ on! But I stopped myself from ordering it! I chose to read  … [Continue reading]

Too early to prepare your plants for Winter? Nope

Thu. Sep. 17, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Too early to prepare your plants for Winter? Nope

I know… we haven’t even had the Autumnal Equinox, so what the heck am I doing asking you THAT question? Well… we just felt that nip of Fall last week and covered our plants!

The best thing you can do to prepare your evergreens, newly planted shrubs and trees and any borderline zone-friendly plants is to water them consistently from now until the ground freezes.

Trees can use 10  … [Continue reading]

Planting garlic

Wed. Sep. 16, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Planting garlic

I am a garlic lover!  I could ward off vampires… and, perhaps, a loved one…

For zone 4 folks, the beginning of October is a good time to plant garlic.  If you live in Zone 3 then a couple of weeks earlier is sufficient.

First choose hardneck varieties to plant! What’s the difference between hardneck and softneck varieties? It’s all about their physical characteristics. Hardneck garlic has a hard stalk at its center, and softneck garlic  … [Continue reading]

Planting asparagus

Tue. Sep. 15, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Planting asparagus

Gardeners have been growing asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) for more than 2,000 years.  A well-maintained asparagus bed will start bearing one year after planting and will stay productive for 10 to 15 years. The University of MN has a lot of great information on planting asparagus.

While many sites I visited recommended optimal planting in the Spring, Fall is just fine as temperatures cool off.  In fact you can purchase 2 year crowns from  … [Continue reading]

That cold snap!

Mon. Sep. 14, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: That cold snap!

Yowza, it was cold last week! With temperatures dropping to the point of freeze warnings for those tender plants, it certainly felt more like October. I hope you didn’t lose any tender tomatoes or peppers. I picked plenty and started dehydrating them, adding to my storage for Winter!

 If you did lose some of your produce, don’t forget those local farmers markets. I have two very close to me and will be headed there this  … [Continue reading]

Fall plant picks for perennials and trees

Fri. Sep. 11, 2020

Click below to listen to my 2 min. Garden Bite radio show: Fall plant picks for perennials and trees

 As we work our way into Fall there are some plants that we all associate with that time of year.  I talked about some annual Fall picks last week, in particular, mums – the annual kind and the hardy mums! 

But what about other perennials. Sky Blue Aster is a true native plant with a sturdy growth habit of around 3 feet tall.

There’s also Smooth Blue Aster, another similar  … [Continue reading]